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Upload your Christmas 2020 Message (Video, audio or photo)

Please use this area to upload your Christmas message to HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and the collective.

• The video presentation will be public so please be aware of children’s privacy. Do not participate if you have any concerns.
• Large videos files and/or a slow internet connection will cause your files to take longer to upload, so pls be patient!
• Kindly note that we will try to incorporate as many submissions as possible.
• Since online platforms (such as YouTube) penalise for broadcast of copyrighted material (e.g. commercial music run in background of a performance / dance), we sincerely request you to provide genuinely original content only.
• Keep your browser window open until all the files have been uploaded and submitted.
• You will receive an email notification after you have submitted your file.
• If you need any support please email us at [email protected]

*** Please wait until your files are completely uploaded before clicking the Submit button. ***