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Langford Digital Submission Upload Page

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Building - City of Langford

Note: A completed Building Permit Application form must accompany every new application.

    Indemnity Clause

  1. I, being the registered owner of the property or their authorized agent, acknowledge and agree to comply with the current edition of the British Columbia Building Code, the City of Langford building bylaw and any other applicable law, code, regulation or standard in force relating to the work of which this permit is issued. I further acknowledge and agree that I am responsible for ensuring compliance with these laws, bylaws, codes, regulations or standards whether or not the work is undertaken by me or by my employees, contractors, agents or others from whom I am at law responsible.

  2. I understand and agree that neither the issuance of a permit under this application, the acceptance nor the review of plans, specification drawings or documents in support of this applications, nor inspections made by or on behalf of the City of Langford constitute a representation, assurance or statement that the work complies with the British Columbia Building Code, the City of Langford building bylaw nor any other applicable law, code, regulation or standard then in force. I understand and agree that neither the issuance of the permit nor the approval of drawings and specifications submitted as part of this application shall, in any way, relieve me from the obligation to ensure the work confirms with the requirements of any and all applicable laws.

  3. I agree to indemnify and save harmless the City of Langford and its officials, agents, servants, employees, contractors and representatives from and against all fines, suits, claims, liabilities, damages, costs, expenses, demands and actions of any kind or nature whatsoever for which the City may become liable, suffer or incur by reason of or related to or arising from the issuance of this permit or the building inspection services, notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to, caused or occasioned by the negligence of the City of Langford, its officials, officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors or representatives.

  4. I have had the opportunity to seek independent legal advice regarding the responsibilities and obligations being assumed upon the granting of this permit and I have either done so or have chosen to not exercise this right.

  5. I confirm that I am the registered owner of the property or their authorized agent and that the information submitted with this application is accurate and may be relied upon by the City of Langford.